First day in Timbre.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
, Posted by Gary | JC at 11/27/2012 01:14:00 PM

Yesterday too tired already so I couldn't update last night. Yesterday was a first day work at Timbre and it's all good, my leg hurt so much. Actually my work place to my house quite near so I start work at 4pm, I think 3pm+ start moving from my house its okay la. Take train from Farrer Park to Habour Front then take bus, around 30-40mins gua.
How are you doing there ? Hopefully nothing bad laa, everything go smoothly on your assignment, school, family, errr..everything la. Looks like gonna rain soon, the sky look so dark and cloudy already. If rain, take umbrella ah if not later wet d easily get sick one. Walao eh, the sun seriously damn hot ! Just go out grab some food nia, my skin dark already :( why my skin change white so slow but go dark so fast hah ? My phone only available at my work place because got wifi there but also busy eh, no time to take out also. My friend said next week going to sign line d so I can get my number soon !
Hope Tuesday is not a bad day for you, have a nice day !
Take care ah..
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