Saturday, November 24, 2012
, Posted by Gary | JC at 11/24/2012 09:07:00 PM
Good Life - Kanye West.
It's Saturday ! Went to City Square Mall and had my Subway with my friend this morning. Feels like 1 is not enough leh, but had to control, I'm on diet. :/ After that, my friend went to work, I got nothing to do again. Spent my Saturday on bed watch Men in Black III, laying around, nothing much. The internet damn slow ! Wanna watch youtube also had to wait so longggggg ! Forget it, just listen song from my phone. Sometimes I wish that we're still together, we could had our meal together, spend our time together, had a lot of talk, sharing secret, movies, etc. Tomorrow Sunday, don't tell me I had to stay home and watch the time fly like this again. It's really tired one leh. Plus this flu, when only you wanna get away from me ? It's already 1 week, not enough lor ? Every time I sleep, my nose sure barely breath one. Hopefully I can get well tomorrow when I wake up.
I wanna live a 2 people life, you and me, we just live our day happily without taking care about what others talk about. Everyday it's just about us, we could go for travel other places. I don't know it will happen or not but I have faith on it. :) Oh, Christmas just around the corner ! and I wish to celebrate with you, but I guess you got someone else to celebrate with already.
Have fun !
Hope I can get well tomorrow !
Take care ah.

I'm missing you.
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