After all my busy + tired day.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
, Posted by Gary | JC at 12/02/2012 07:27:00 AM

These few days I'm so busy and tired, too many things to do man. Don't even have time to write something here. Now it's 7.12am, I just reach home around 6am+, finish work at 2 then went to meet my friend at Bras Basah there wait him finish work around 4.30am. Walao eh sibeh tired ! They call me to follow them go eat supper but it's more alike breakfast. Seriously I'm so damn tired now, lack of sleep man, some more kena rain so much. Once I reach my shop, the rain stop ! What you really want har ? Just want me to get wet ? Hope I won't sick la if not, sibeh troublesome.
Today is my first off day ! yea, I off every Sunday one but no where to go also. Even tho I'm so busy and tired, but every night before I sleep, I keep on thinking of you. Thinking about how's your day going ah, got any bad or sad things happened or not ah, how's school work, so much thing leh. And I'll just pray for a better tomorrow for you :) more laughter bring good luck ! Hope everything is fine. I know our gap is too far away now even tho our distance got nearer, but I still wish you all the best and happy always.
I need to sleep now, I can't think of anything and I keep fell asleep while writing this, any thing more to add I'll update later.
Have a Good Sunday !
Take care.

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