It's good to be blind sometimes.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
, Posted by Gary | JC at 12/06/2012 04:16:00 AM

I just fucked my whatsapp, accidentally register new number and I lost all my contact. I mean whatsapp contact. I do have some contact but if you people text my old number which is my Malaysia number, I'm not using it now. I'd gave my mom so I'd text you all for my new number so kindly save my new number and anything, you guys can text me from there. I'll update my number on my facebook when I'm free, I seldom use it but at least if anything you people wanna find me, can get some of my contact there.
Okay next,
So many people depressing today, I don't know why. People are sending those emo text to the tv (I don't know call what name d, it's something like you send your text then we show it on tv). There's a lot of things that is out of our control, all we can do is follow the flow and weather is up or down, we still gotta get thru of it. You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could'd, would'd happened..or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move the fuck on. I'd been in this situation for so long and every time I feel low, I'll just listen to some song, go somewhere there's windy, somewhere quiet and alone.
Every time I went to the mrt station, there's always a lot of couples and I just try to keep away from my sight because, I just don't know how to describe that feeling. I know you know how it feels like. It's good to be blind sometimes. I wonder why guys like to flirt ? Examples my work place, some of them seems to be so nice but after today, I realize that they all are just the same. Just like just now I'm trying to finish my paper work and then a girl (lesbian tomboy) come and ask for lighter from me, once I gave her, they all start flirting already with her girlfriend. Then they all keep asking me to take number from her because she come and borrow lighter for 3 times, please laa..take yourself if you want, I'm not helping you guys to take it. I can't even recognize her face even tho she come for 3 times. I guess that's what guys is when they're away from their wife/girlfriend.
Seriously I'm very tired and sleepy already, my eyes getting heavy now. I'll update when I'm free because this few days really making me tired and lack of sleep. Good night.
and I do miss you, I do think of you but I guess it's better not to let you know. :)
Hope you have a nice day later after you're awake.
Take care.
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