Is Sunday !
Sunday, December 9, 2012
, Posted by Gary | JC at 12/09/2012 02:33:00 PM

Good Morning ! Is Sunday ! Just slept for 4 hours and don't know why automatically awake. Yesterday after finish work at 2am, my friend ask me to go Bras Basah there eh outlet Switch by Timbre. Let's have a meet up and talk whole night. Once we reached, my friend still haven't finish his work so few of us went to Kopitiam had some drinks while waiting for him. We not really planned to go anywhere yet so they decided to go back to Switch and play Texas Poker because Switch we can drink free beers. Yeah, all of them playing except me because I don't gamble so I'll just help them to shuffle the deck. We planned to end the game and go home at 6.30am but end up until 7.30am. So go back to Kopitiam had our breakfast then take cab go back sleep because all of them got to go dating with their girlfriend today, yea Sunday is dating day. How sweet and nice is it but I'm just gonna stay at home or go V-Hotel there to spend my Sunday. One of my friend saying that maybe they're going to Sentosa Water Park and ask me if I wanna go or not, I refused because I don't want to be like a light bulb or a lamp post. Maybe next time laa, I heard about Sentosa and it's quite nice eh. Last time I saw some of your photo also from Sentosa right ? I don't know if it's Sentosa or not :/
How's your Sunday going ? :) Just now morning 8am got a bit rain la, but when I reach home then stop d and outside is like cloudy only, looks like gonna rain soon. Try to not wet yourself ah if you're outside, hope you have a nice day :)
Oh ya you got my Singapore number right ? If none de you can ask from me in any social network. If anything happened or you looking for me :)
Take care lot !
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