Thought running in my head.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
, Posted by Gary | JC at 12/11/2012 04:05:00 AM

Bye Monday, I'm not happy today. A lot of thought running thru my head and I can't believe that I take him as buddy and he say something like that. He's not saying to me directly but he told my colleague and my colleague told me. Seriously that's really hurt and I understand every employee do have that kind of feeling, afraid others to climb over their head but hello, you know me for how many years already ? Do I really need to approach the upper people because of some shit ? Nah, fuck that ! I don't really even give a damn about that, I just started work for how long ? It's only 2 weeks man, I admit that I'm not really know everything about it yet and I don't even have the qualification too for now. No wonder other people keep telling that to me that you're so "small gas", actually I don't give a damn what others say to me because I believe you're not but I now I know why people keep telling me that. Fine, forget about it. It's just a small issue and I won't spread it out. Everything will be fine if I just take it as nothing happened and keep quiet, I don't gossip about others. I don't like you, I'll say it I don't like you. I'm not going to turn a BIG round, telling the world that I don't like you and your bad things. Keep it cool and steady. I'm writing here because none of my friends know I got a blog. I'm writing what I feel inside of me and my daily stuff.
I'm here for a girl (you know who is the girl), but no one know this. What I want is a simple life, can afford food, a place to stay, hang out, and spend my whole time with her. That will be the most happiest thing in life for me to have her. I wanna go to nearby Marina Bay there, the view look so beautiful. And the Ferris Wheel there, how nice if I could go and take a ride with her. :D Maybe can look at the whole Singapore night view. I've heard a lot of people said that Singapore night view is way too beautiful than Hong Kong, the light of the city especially nearby Marina Bay there.
Tomorrow I'm starting work at 7pm, I think I'll be there around 4-5pm because I got nothing to do and nowhere to go also. Hope don't rain la, just now also rain at 2pm but stop at 2.40pm, just nice for me to go work. Sometimes I wonder why Singapore thunder so loud one ? Is it less mountain and building everywhere make the sound go louder ? Or the thunder just strike nearby ? Did the thunder strike someone or a building or a house before in Singapore ? I'm curious and every time I got shock because it strike too loud already la.
I'm still thinking should I go back for Chinese New Year or stay here ? If I stay here, I'm really alone inside my room to pass my Chinese New Year. If I go back, I'm not sure if I can get so much off day or not because if I'm going back to 8th of February and start back work on 13th, might as well I don't go back because;
1. Bus ticket gonna rise like shit.
2. Traffic jam on highway and it will takes like a day to travel back because of the traffic jam.
3. It just having 3 days time there and I'm sure I'll surely thinking about going back to work, I won't be happy.
4. Maybe my parents will go KL to celebrate Chinese New Year because all my relatives stay there.
Lets see how la if I could take more off day or not tomorrow, maybe things changed ?
Okay la, I'm tired. I need to sleep now.
If you read my blog,
Hope you have a nice day and no rain !
Take care lotssss ! :)
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