Worse propose ever.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
, Posted by Gary | JC at 12/13/2012 12:21:00 PM

Nose blocked, sore throat and cough, don't tell me I'm getting sick please. And I don't know what happened to my skin, weather is sensitive or bitten by mosquitoes or allergic. Hope to get well soon ! Yesterday a guy propose to a girl at my work place, they don't even prepare anything. Last minute only buy a few roses, I think it's about only 5-6 roses also complain expensive already. Walao, you wanna propose to a girl and you're talking about expensive, don't propose laa. The girl you propose is going to follow you for the rest of her life leh. Actually it's none of my business also, shouldn't complain so much. Maybe they got their reason ?
The Ferris Wheel beside the Marina Bay Hotel look so beautiful ! I wonder if can take a ride or not ? I wanna go there take a walk and see what's inside there so much ! These few days so hot when the sun come out but after 2pm onward, it'll start raining. The weather's so weird, hope you won't get sick. My friends going to KL this Saturday until Tuesday, I think I'm gonna stay at home whole day this Sunday. Gonna be boring shit. :( Yesterday before I sleep, I thought of a lot of things to write down one, but I always forgot when I wake up facing the laptop. Maybe next time ?
Bye, Have a nice day and take care. :)
Be happy always.
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