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It's been awhile..

Sunday, January 13, 2013 , Posted by Gary | JC at 1/13/2013 06:51:00 PM

Hi, it's been awhile right ? I know, these few days was busy and tired so I didn't write anything here. Another word, lazy. Yea, I'm lazy to write. Well, there's a cracked on both side of my thumbs. I don't know how but somehow it just cracked like this, I don't know weather it's cut by glasses or what, that's why I couldn't write here. If I update my blog using iPhone because I don't have a computer or laptop here. There's a lot of things I would like to share but it's something bad about it, I feel like if I write it here, I'm like backstabbing him. Hopefully he not doing something what we're thinking about it.

It's 7.00am now and the sun haven't rise yet, it's Sunday ! No plan, nowhere to go, nothing to do. I was planning to watch movie on Sunday but he's celebrating their anniversary so I cancel it. I feel like walking around the mall all alone it's like kinda weird. And I'm not really familiar with here yet. And if you're asking me out for food, drinks, joking, I'm very happy about it.

By the way, how are you lately ? Is everything move smoothly ? I don't know what's happening around you but I saw you tweeted some studies things while I'm scrolling my timeline, just do your best in exam, no matter what results you get, at least you know you give your best right ? And remember don't stress yourself and giving yourself too much pressure okay ? You're a smart girl and you can do it :) Study smart !

I better stop here, I don't want to be so long-breath like old man. It's time for me to sleep now.
If in case you need help or anything de, you can just text me okay ? Take good care of yourself :)
My whatsapp is dead for so long..

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