A picture speaks a thousand words.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
, Posted by Gary | JC at 2/02/2013 05:10:00 AM

I think you will know how I feel by looking at this picture.
Went to Chinatown POSB bank to take my passbook at 10.30pm, I only sleep for 3 hours+ only. I can feel my eyes so dry inside and I can barely open widely to look at the road. I thought it gonna take a long time to get my things done but don't know I'm lucky or what, not even 30mins I get my passbook already. I don't know where to go and what to do, it's 11am+. End up went to Vivo then walking around inside Vivo like an idiot, there's a few things it looked familiar there then only I noticed that I saw it somewhere before, the cruise departure. Then stop at Starbucks and drink my chocolate and look at the people around, spent my time there until 1pm+ then go to Timbre d. I would like to shop around there but I'm tired at that time so I just go to my work place and have some rest there. Whole day just feeling stim stim only, I better go get some sleep now. This Sunday got no plan yet, stay at home ? call me out ? :D I wanna watch quite a lot of movies ! But I don't want to go alone, it's so damn weird. :/
Anyway, I hope you'll have a great weekends. Make yourself relax a bit ! Have some fun !
Take care. :)
Goodnight and have a sweetdream.
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