Happy New Year eve !
Monday, December 31, 2012
, Posted by Gary | JC at 12/31/2012 01:15:00 PM

Yesterday wasn't that bad I guess, same as usual went to V-Hotel and chill. My friend texted me that they planned to have steamboat at night. I'm so happy, it's been awhile I didn't eat steamboat. But in the end, planned canceled :( I don't know why then we went to Aston's in City Square. I shouldn't follow my friend go there because he's with his girlfriend and I'm like..I don't know what to do, just follow their back walk around only.
Oh ya, today is New Year eve right ? Happy New Year to everyone and you ! Hope you'll have a brand new year ! Let all the bad things leave behide the past and all the good things come to you in 2013.
I'm sucks in greeting something like this and I know it =/
Anyway, I hope you'll stay healthy and happy always.
So did you have your planned tonight ?
Well, I think after finish work tonight then I'll go Switch to meet my friend or come back home sleep. Later see how.
Nothing to write d, not enough sleep ah.
So see you next year !

Oh ya, I'm looking for this bag !! Inform me if anyone of you know where got sell this Lego Bag !
Thanks !
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