It's getting worse.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
, Posted by Gary | JC at 12/22/2012 05:53:00 AM

My fingers are getting worse, it's getting bigger and hard now. And its so pain, I can't even press or open a canned drink ! Tomorrow my colleague will bring the antiseptic cream and hopefully it help, seriously I'm begging you my fingers :( and my legs are getting so damn horrible. What the fuck is wrong with me ? I didn't eat anything wrong leh, Sunday I'm gonna wash my bed and room again ! I'd never had such sensitive skin problem before, yesterday whole night I can't even sleep well due to my fingers so itchy. Feel like just chop it off ! :( need more antibiotic in my body I guess, drink a Detol ? Any food or drink that can increase body antibiotic recommended ? I'll eat everything ! I really couldn't stand this shit already. :(
I can't write much here, it's already 5.35am now. I need to sleep now but after I change my blog song, still looking for it. I don't know if you're living your life happily or not but I hope you're happy always. I always do.
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