Merry Christmas !
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
, Posted by Gary | JC at 12/25/2012 06:11:00 AM

Merry Christmas to everyone especially to you ! Hope you had a beautiful Christmas :) I wanted to update yesterday but too tired d. I went to the Costa Sand Downtown East that chalet, they having a staff BBQ there. It's a very nice place leh, I don't know you been there before or not, and the water park seem so cool ! I didn't get to play because quite late d, we BBQ and drink some liquor there, actually I kena drink quite a lot ! then I go back at 11pm+. Vomited twice because of my friend driving like drift here and there, he drop me and my friend at Bedok MRT because my friend going back to Jurong and the nearest MRT for me is Lavender. I didn't eat anything there just 1 lamb, 2 prawn and 2 pork rib only. So hungry and tired that night.
Today went to Bugis just now because my friend wanna buy necklace for her girlfriend, SO CROWDED ! Like pasar malam only, everyone choosing gift for their girlfriend and I'm just like follow them only. I also want to buy you a gift but I think it's better not to .. how to say har ? I feel like it's not very convenient ? I don't want to be like cutting in like that or make you feel getting annoying or bothered or something like that so I guess better not to show up. Just work as usual for Christmas eve and later going to work again at 4pm, everyone taking off day because they going to dating with their girlfriend, I got no one to celebrate so I go work better because I want to claim more off day for Chinese New Year. Actually I don't feel like going back when Chinese New Year but I'm all alone here if I don't go back, I'm afraid of being alone so I follow them go back. I'll update next time for more things because now it's already 6.10am, I need to take some sleep now and wake up at 2pm.
Wish you a very nice Christmas here. :)
Have a nice day and happy always.
Good night.
Take care ya..

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